International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2015, Vol. 2, Issue 5, Part E
Mass Propagation of Danio aequipinnatus, an ornamental fish of North Eastern India
Author(s): Sushil Kumar Sarmah, Sharmistha Paul, Subhas Chandra Dey
Abstract: North eastern region (NER) of India harbours 266 species of fishes out of which 196 have potential ornamental value. The present paper incorporates the technique of mass propagation of indigenous ornamental fish species with Danio aequipinnatus as the test species. For successful mass propagation of D. aequipinnatus, selection of brood stock, food and feeding schedule and breeding set-up are important criteria. Maintenance of physic- chemical parameters of the breeding tank is important in the survival of the breeders. Best fertilization rate were obtained with 3:2 male to female ratio.
Pages: 305-307 | 1426 Views 130 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Sushil Kumar Sarmah, Sharmistha Paul, Subhas Chandra Dey. Mass Propagation of Danio aequipinnatus, an ornamental fish of North Eastern India. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2015;2(5):305-307.