Title and Authors Name |
Effects of point source pollution on water quality, phytoplankton diversity and abundance in lake Victoria, Kenya Babu, J. M, Sitoki L. M, Ogendi G. M., Getabu A. M., Boera P. N. Akunga G. N., Nyaundi J. K., Njiru J. M., Mwayuli G. A., Olilo C. Pages: 57-64 - Viewed: 1610 - Downloaded: 240 |
Growth performance and body composition of rohu, Labeo rohita fed organic selenium supplemented diets Sampa Baidya, H. Shivananda Murthy Pages: 65-68 - Viewed: 1632 - Downloaded: 323 |
Parasitic adaptation of fresh water fish, Channa Striatus Laxma Reddy. B, Benarjee. G Pages: 69-71 - Viewed: 1548 - Downloaded: 179 |
Study of body length in relationship to other morphometric measurements in Cetenopharynoodon (Grass carp) ─ A deviation from cubes law Sajjad Ahmed Mir Pages: 72-74 - Viewed: 1484 - Downloaded: 151 |
Toxicological effects of formaldehyde concentrations on African Cat fish, Clarias gariepinus fingerlings Andem A. B, Esenowo I. K, Ibor O. R, Abosi A Pages: 75-79 - Viewed: 1572 - Downloaded: 210 |
Histopathological Alteration induced in gills of juvenile Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus upon exposure to two Bio-pesticides Alim D.I.M, Matter H.M.A Pages: 80-83 - Viewed: 1574 - Downloaded: 164 |
Effects of 2-phenoxyethanol anaesthesia on juvenile yellow tail anemone fish Amphiprion clarkii (Bennett, 1830), Pomacentridae Swagat Ghosh, M. Gopi, T. B. Sibi, S. C. Sherine Pages: 84-87 - Viewed: 1510 - Downloaded: 138 |
Quality characteristics of three Hot-Smoked fish species using locally fabricated Smoking kiln I. Magawata and T. Musa Pages: 88-92 - Viewed: 2014 - Downloaded: 601 |
Utilization of fish bycatch in live ornamental fish trade from Kerala, South India Ranjeet K, Sureshkumar S, Arunjith T.S, Hakeem A.B Pages: 93-98 - Viewed: 1654 - Downloaded: 177 |
Studies on ichthyofaunal diversity of Krishna River in Mahabubnagar district, Telangana, India B. Laxmappa, Ravinder Rao Bakshi, D. Venkata Siva Narayana Pages: 99-104 - Viewed: 1782 - Downloaded: 357 |
Effect of probiotics on the haematological parameters of Indian major carp (Labeo rohita) M. Rajikkannu, Nirmala Natarajan, P. Santhanam, B. Deivasigamani, J. Ilamathi, S. Janani Pages: 105-109 - Viewed: 1640 - Downloaded: 210 |