International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2015, Vol. 2, Issue 5, Part A
Optimization of extraction of chitosan and carotenoids from shrimp waste
Author(s): Parisa Sadighara, Halimeh Tohidi Moghadam, Soheil Eskandari, Ali Salehi
Abstract: This study describes pigments and chitosan extraction from shrimp wastes under different methods. Chitosan were extracted and measured from shrimp waste according to the conventional method. But in step of deproteinization, three process acid, alkaline, and enzyme extraction was used. Carotenoids are also evaluated as by product. The degree of deacetylation and the moisture percent was also determined. The total chitosan level for acid, enzyme, and alkaline methods were 1.95±0.014, 1.33±0.014, and 0.183±0.007 mg/ml and total carotenoids 44.77±0.2, 184.58±0.447, and 85.17±0.9 respectively. These results demonstrated that good yields can be obtained enzymatic treatment. Subject to economic advantages, enzymatic can replace the other methods.
Pages: 36-38 | 1416 Views 155 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Parisa Sadighara, Halimeh Tohidi Moghadam, Soheil Eskandari, Ali Salehi . Optimization of extraction of chitosan and carotenoids from shrimp waste. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2015;2(5):36-38.