Title and Authors Name |
Fish farmer’s access to information communication media: A gender based comparative study in a selected village of Bangladesh Md. Mamun-ur-Rashid, Md. Golam Rabbani Akanda Pages: 168-173 - Viewed: 1435 - Downloaded: 173 |
Growth and survival status in the mosquitofish Gambusia affinis exposed to mild hypoxia Pavithra Hegde, Padma S Hidkal, Deepak Shinde, Gayatri B Gaikwad, Ganesh C.B Pages: 174-177 - Viewed: 1499 - Downloaded: 194 |
Isolation and identification of microbial flora from EUS infected singhi Heteropneustes fossilis C.Muthu Ramakrishnan, M.A.Haniffa, P.Jeya Sheela Pages: 178-183 - Viewed: 1602 - Downloaded: 306 |
Sediment and carbon accumulation in sub-tropical salt marsh and mangrove habitats of north-eastern coast of Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean Aysha A, Abu Hena MK, Mishra M, Nesarul MH, Padhi BK, Mishra SK, Islam MS, Idris MH, Masum MB Pages: 184-189 - Viewed: 1665 - Downloaded: 294 |
Fish diversity and habitat ecology of Dihing river - A tributary of Brahmaputra river Dibya Jyoti Deori, Santoshkumar Abujam and Shyama Prasad Biswas Pages: 190-197 - Viewed: 2168 - Downloaded: 823 |
Genetic variation among cat fish (Mystus cavasius) population assessed by randomly amplified polymorphic (RAPD) markers from Assam, India Innifa Hasan, Mrigendra Mohan Goswami Pages: 198-203 - Viewed: 1550 - Downloaded: 201 |
Accumulations of Zn, Ni, B, Al and Co in Megalaspis cordyla from fish marketed by Karachi Fish Harbor of Pakistan Quratulan Ahmed, Levent Bat Pages: 204-207 - Viewed: 1406 - Downloaded: 155 |
Performance of Duckweed (Lemna minor) on different types of wastewater treatment A. Juliet Selvarani, P. Padmavathy, A. Srinivasan, P. Jawahar Pages: 208-212 - Viewed: 2182 - Downloaded: 757 |
Contribution to the knowledge of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793) from Bulgarian Black Sea coast Maria Yankova Pages: 213-217 - Viewed: 1495 - Downloaded: 177 |
Expression analysis of IL-10 and IFN-γ genes in head kidney of Catla catla (Ham.) fed with Limonia acidissima L Srinivasan Ponnuraj, Manimekalai Kanagarajan, Dineshbabu Jaganathan, Teepica Priya Darsini Deivamarudachalam Pages: 218-223 - Viewed: 1558 - Downloaded: 189 |