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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
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P-ISSN: 2394-0506, E-ISSN: 2347-5129

International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies

2014, Vol. 1, Issue 6, Part A

Status of Ipomoea carnea weed infestation in Inland Water bodies and its effects on Fisheries in Mahabubnagar district, A.P, India

Author(s): B. Laxmappa, P. Srinivasulu, J. Mahender

Abstract: Ipomoea carnea is an emerged weed distributed in many parts of the World including India. The species is recognized well over Andhra Pradesh (A.P) including Mahabubnagar district, particularly along the bunds of agricultural fields, road sides and in different inland water bodies. It is a localized weed and wherever it grows, it dominates over the associated species. Presently, I. carnea is growing luxuriantly in some water bodies and causing nuisance to fisheries. The inland fish production usually comes from irrigation tanks in addition to specially constructed tanks/ponds besides reservoirs, rivers and backwaters in the district. This undesirable plant which causing direct or indirect damage to the fishes or hampering the fishery operations in the tanks. Various tanks were investigated from 2010 to 2014 and collected this weed infestation particulars from 25 tanks falls in 5 divisions. The overall infestation of this weed ranges from 10 to 40 per cent in most of the tanks in the district. It is inevitable to eradicate and control this deleterious weed in inland water bodies on the war foot basis wherever it exists.

Pages: 12-19  |  1653 Views  342 Downloads

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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
How to cite this article:
B. Laxmappa, P. Srinivasulu, J. Mahender. Status of Ipomoea carnea weed infestation in Inland Water bodies and its effects on Fisheries in Mahabubnagar district, A.P, India. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2014;1(6):12-19.
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies

International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies

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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies