Title and Authors Name |
Pharmacological studies on the venom of the marine snail Conus lentiginosus Reeve, 1844 Pawan Kumar, K. Venkateshvaran, P. P. Srivastava, S. K. Nayak, S. M. Shivaprakash, S. K. Chakraborty Pages: 79-85 - Viewed: 1609 - Downloaded: 208 |
Habitat Preference of an Endangered Hill Stream Catfish Olyra longicaudata (McClelland) From Arunachal Pradesh, India Akash Kachari, Budhin Gogoi, Rashmi Dutta, Kamhun Aran, Pritha Ghosh, Sudipta Maitra, Samir Bhattacharya, Debangshu N. Das Pages: 86-93 - Viewed: 1723 - Downloaded: 302 |
Modulation of Enzyme activity in Oreochromis mossambicus (Tilapia) exposed to Butylbenzylphthalate Umamaheswari Sepperumal, Senthilnathan Saminathan Pages: 94-98 - Viewed: 1617 - Downloaded: 176 |
Histologically Confirmed Intersex (Ovo-testis) in the Freshwater Crab Travancoriana schirnerae (Bott, 1969) Sudha Devi A. R, Smija M. K Pages: 99-104 - Viewed: 1731 - Downloaded: 154 |
Shell disease in the Freshwater crab, Barytelphusa cunicularis F. R. Sharmila Joseph, N. P. Latha, S. Ravichandran, A. R. Sudha Devi, K. Sivasubramanian Pages: 105-110 - Viewed: 1871 - Downloaded: 316 |
Immunoserological and molecular techniques used in fish disease diagnosis- A mini review Vikash Kumar, Suvra roy, Debtanu Barman, Aditya Kumar Pages: 111-117 - Viewed: 1966 - Downloaded: 383 |
Substitution of fishmeal with bambaranut waste meal in diets of first feeding (Clarias gariepinus x Heterobranchus bidorsalis) “Heteroclarias†Enyidi Uchechukwu D., Mgbenka B.O.M. Pages: 118-122 - Viewed: 1563 - Downloaded: 161 |
Feeding biology of ribbonfish, Lepturacanthus savala (Cuvier, 1929) off Ratnagiri coast, Maharashtra Pallavi K. Pakhmode and Swapnaja A. Mohite Pages: 123-129 - Viewed: 1818 - Downloaded: 340 |
Antimicrobial properties of grape extract on Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fillet during storage in 4 °C Shirin Hasani and Maryam Hasani Pages: 130-136 - Viewed: 1584 - Downloaded: 185 |
Length-weight relationship and condition factor of shrimps in coastal waters of Ondo state, South West, Nigeria Olawusi-Peters Olamide O, Ajibare Adefemi O* and Bello-Olusoji Oluayo A. Pages: 137-142 - Viewed: 1663 - Downloaded: 265 |