Title and Authors Name |
Studies on length–weight relationship of seven commercially important freshwater fish species of Gomti River Lucknow (U.P.) India Rajesh Kumar, Shiv Shankar Yadav, Madhu Tripathi Pages: 01-03 - Viewed: 1872 - Downloaded: 362 |
Low dietary protein to energy ratios support rapid growth of Juvenile topshell, Trochus niloticus Maria Mojena Gallo Gonzales, Crispino A. Saclauso, Rex Ferdinand Traifalgar Pages: 04-08 - Viewed: 1534 - Downloaded: 143 |
Length – Weight Relationship of Otolithes ruber (Schneider, 1801) from Thoothukudi coast, Tamil Nadu, India S. Santhoshkumar, C.B.T. Rajagopalsamy, P. Jawahar, T. Francis Pages: 09-11 - Viewed: 1693 - Downloaded: 277 |
Influence of C/N ratios on the Heterotrophic activity of model brackish water systems Theivasigamani Anand, Gunalan Balakrishnan, Pandurangan Padmavathy, V.Rani, Anand Chandran Pages: 12-21 - Viewed: 1595 - Downloaded: 226 |
Role of cryopreserved fish spermatozoa as a biotechnological tool in enhancing fish production C. Judith Betsy, J. Stephen Sampath Kumar Pages: 22-25 - Viewed: 1592 - Downloaded: 192 |
Feasibility of Shrimp Gut Probionts with Anti-vibrio and Anti-QS in Penaeid Culture K. Ramesh, M. Natarajan, H. Sridhar, M. Uma Vanitha, S. Umamaheswari Pages: 26-34 - Viewed: 1680 - Downloaded: 247 |
Length-weight relationship, condition factor and feeding habits of Synodontis schall (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) In river Benue at Makurdi, Nigeria Akombo P.M, Akange E.T, Adikwu I.A, Araoye P.A Pages: 42-48 - Viewed: 1714 - Downloaded: 272 |
Studies on the ecology of the paddy and fish co–culture system at Dembi Gobu microwater shed at Bako, Ethiopia Lemma Desta, L. Prabha devi, V. Sreenivasa, Tilahun Amede Pages: 49-53 - Viewed: 1637 - Downloaded: 242 |
Trends in the capture fisheries in Cuyo East Pass, Philippines Tee-Jay A. San Diego and William L. Fisher Pages: 57-72 - Viewed: 2034 - Downloaded: 597 |
Immunostimulation effects of herbal bio conditioners on tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) against V. parahaemolyticus infection Romi Novriadi, KB Haw Pages: 73-78 - Viewed: 1643 - Downloaded: 178 |